Automotive Repair
No, we won't replace the timing belt in your mom's Caravan. (well, maybe if it's the 2.5L turbo model)
However, if you have a modified vehicle that needs any form of repair or servicing - engine, tune, electrical, chassis, etc - we can do this for you. We realize that each modified vehicle is unique, and often times you can't simply look up instructions in the service manual on how to troubleshoot and repair the problem you have due to aftermarket or custom parts set up on your car. We will put our expertise to work in properly diagnosing the problem and coming up with a fix for you. Usually this does require a bit of involvement on your part, as we need to better define the modifications to the vehicle, by asking you specific questions about the vehicle, or providing us with a spec list to work off of. If your modified vehicle needs some work, contact us for more info.